Deuxpad is an IDO IGO launchpad that offers only the best quality projects in the Deux ecosystem to its investors.
This description will explain the technics of Deuxpad, a platform that comes within a Deux ecosystem, as a decentralized crowdfunding tool and what it promises different from its counterparts. It will touch on the innovations brought by the Deux launching pad and the fundamental motivation of this innovative point of view.
The facilitation of digitalization with smart contracts has brought along new opportunities for developers. The project holders have started to create tokens on the networks for the services, products, and services generated and to raise funds over those tokens created.
At this point, the launching pads have found a very solid foothold for themselves. In this new environment, the investors have utilized early period investment opportunities while the developers have easily funded their technologies through the platform tokens.
Deuxpad focuses on understanding the investors and developers from their perspectives and thus, offering a fair and more equitable cryptocurrency experience.
Who is DeuxPad ?
Deux is a community of Solidity developers, backend frontend and web3 developers, ones who follow the innovations brought by the game and metaverse universe and work on 3D modeling, avatar and digital clothing, financial advisors who are experts in token economy, and ones with high marketing experience, important connections, and strong communication skills.
This community offers consultancy to the projects that are deemed worthy of being listed, in line with their requirements. The strategy necessary for a project to make a breakthrough even in the low-volume tough times of the market is available in the Deux team. A team that strengthens the ground of Deux and can generate solutions in every aspect that investors and developers need makes it a platform that solves problems by taking a more dynamic, instant, and fast action based on the structure of launchpad platforms which prioritizes only principal problems.